Documentation / Tutorials / SPA

Event: Submit - multiple submit buttons

/ SPA / Event: Submit - multiple submit buttons

[templates.add multi_action_form]

//** HTML novalidate: to disable html 5 validations **//
<section role='xyz-form'>
<form id="scheme_form" novalidate>

//** Form fields in bootstrap format **//
<div class="form-group">
Field Label
Field Element
<div class='help-block'></div>

<div class="text-center">

<button id="action-1" data-safe_id="[app.safe_id/]" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-multi-action" data-txn="action-a">Action A</button>

<button id="action-2" data-safe_id="[app.safe_id/]" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-multi-action" data-txn="action-b">Action B</button>


//** Javascript to bind form submit and decide activity**//

<script type=spa/axn
data-safe_id=[app.safe_id/] >

<script data-safe_id="[app.safe_id/]" type="spa/axn" axn="core.run_script" bind="click" bind_selector=".btn-multi-action">
var el=o.block.trigger;


[templates.add multi_action_form_submit]
avoid using direct request params always take request param in variable and use variable
[template.set req='{request}' /]

<section role="main">
<div><div><section role='xyz-form'>Tag will be prevented</section></div></div>

//** do actions for action-a **//
[template.return content c.cond="template.req.activity_type" c.eq="s:action-a"]
<template axn=control.update control='' get='me.html' data-safe_id=[app.safe_id/]>

//** do actions for action-b **//
[template.return content c.cond="template.req.activity_type" c.eq="s:action-b"]


//** do actions if no activity_type matching **//
[template.return content]
<template type=spa/axn axn='core.run_script' alert='Invalid Activity type' data-safe_id="[app.safe_id/]"></template>


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